
MYCRO - bridging the gap between the two organizations, for job providers

What keeps the world from functioning is just rotation around two factors, time and money.  Those who have a lot of time are likely to lack wealth, while those who have too much wealth often lose time to have fun.  Apart from this dilemma, there is nothing we can do about it, because the contrast between them is more like an ordinary mirror than what is strangely true. Based on this research, many believe that happiness is closely related to time.  Time to spend on the things we want, the products we like to eat, traveling to the places we want, caring for our family and friends, or just treating ourselves in the salon.  Of course, all this requires money for this.  But in the current working conditions in the world, more often than not workers often take the time to enjoy wages.  Under the influence of activities outside the home and at work, people no longer have enough time to do simple things themselves. Because Microsoft will solve this constant dilemma of daily life b

MYCRO - menjembatani kesenjangan antara kedua organisasi, untuk penyedia pekerjaan

Apa yang membuat dunia tidak berfungsi hanyalah rotasi di sekitar dua faktor, waktu dan uang.  Mereka yang memiliki banyak waktu kemungkinan besar kurang memiliki kekayaan, sementara mereka yang memiliki terlalu banyak kekayaan sering kehilangan waktu untuk bersenang-senang.  Terlepas dari dilema ini, tidak ada yang bisa kita lakukan tentang hal itu, karena kontras di antara mereka lebih seperti cermin biasa dari apa yang anehnya benar. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut, banyak yang percaya bahwa kebahagiaan berkaitan erat dengan waktu.  Waktu untuk menghabiskan pada hal-hal yang kita inginkan, produk yang kita suka makan, bepergian ke tempat yang kita inginkan, merawat keluarga dan teman kita, atau hanya memperlakukan diri kita sendiri di salon.  Tentu saja, semua ini membutuhkan uang untuk ini.  Tetapi dalam kondisi kerja saat ini di dunia, lebih sering daripada tidak pekerja sering meluangkan waktu untuk menikmati upah.  Di bawah pengaruh kegiatan di luar rumah dan di

Mycro: рынок простых рабочих мест для великих людей, которые ценят время и деньги

То, что делает мир нефункциональным, это просто вращение вокруг двух факторов, времени и денег. Те, у кого много времени, скорее всего, испытывают недостаток в богатстве, в то время как те, у кого слишком много богатства, часто лишаются времени, чтобы повеселиться. Несмотря на эту дилемму, мы ничего не можем поделать, так как контраст между ними больше похож на обычное зеркало того, что странно верно. На основании проведенного исследования многие считают, что счастье тесно связано со временем. Время тратить на вещи, которые мы хотим, продукты, которые мы любим есть, путешествовать в места, где мы хотим быть, лечить наших семей и друзей или просто побаловать себя в салоне. Конечно, все это требует денег для этого. Но в нынешних условиях работы в мире чаще всего работников часто лишают времени получать удовольствие от заработной платы. Находясь под воздействием деятельности вне дома и на работе, люди больше не имеют достаточно времени, чтобы делать простые вещи сами. Пос

AIO Casino - Make ERC-20 coins on the ethereum blockchain

Overview Everyone knows about it, everyone believes that, everyone wants to implement it. Blockchain is the world's main hero of modern technology, an innovation that makes all entrepreneurs crazy and revolutionizes the way they do business in different industries. Today not only the financial sector feels the effects of the blockchain, but also gambling, retailing, drugs, and insurance are also very affected. However, gaming is an industry that seems most attractive for blockchain technology applications. This field continues to win the love of one billion players worldwide, and it can get a new life using the blockchain. Blockchain has begun to change the way people interact with games, by introducing new game trends: blockchain-based games provide possibilities for players and owners. Today, these types of games are casual and are built to collect and exchange operations. But, the potential for blockchain potential for the gaming industry is huge. In the near future we h


Hello friends . This time I will provide information about a project that is very interesting for you to know in a new cryptocurrency called AIO Casino.Before heading to the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still requires efforts that encourage adoption to continue to grow and continue to grow in the future. About AIO Casino AIO Casino is a cryptocurrency casino, which aims to connect all the games that might be in the gambling industry on one platform, and allows players to be part of the casino. Decision to do this because most casinos only offer selected teams, and in the world of players developingd ones must also be involved in casino success. Aiocasino wants to set the standards for Crypto Casino, where players can not only play all kinds of new games and games, but also be directly involved in the success of the casino. AIO Coins are Ethereum Blockchain based ERC-20 tokens, which allow you to get several wins from

ZooomEx: Trading crypto at the lowest cost 0%

ZooomEx is a new cryptocurrency exchange! Exchange with the lowest trading commission represented on the market! the point is to make trading operations accessible to everyone! Zooomex does not strive to produce from clients, and creates a comfortable platform where it will be convenient to trade with everyone! Until September, trading commissions – 0%! Next, it will increase so low that you won’t even notice it! they are the first to take this step! You won’t find anything like this on the market! ZooomEx Crypto Exchange is made for the benefit of users! All members of the ZXE team are active traders, and know all the nuances, pros and cons of other crypto exchanges, so Zooomex makes products for you. This is suitable for ordinary and professional traders, both for users with small capital, and for institutional ones. Zooomex began to change the cryptocurrency trading industry! from June 24 to July 1, 2019, there will be the initial sale of ZXE tokens. This is a good opportunity