
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2019

Saturn Black : Platfrom pertukaran lintas-rantai langsung dari aset crypto legal dan aman

Pengantar Pasar cryptocurrency terus berkembang dengan gemilang, sejak pertama kali diperkenalkan sekitar sepuluh tahun yang lalu. Namun, terlepas dari semua antusiasme itu, platform pertukaran Crypto masih memiliki beragam permasalahan. Banyak platform yang tidak sesuai dengan gagasan sistem keuangan terdesentralisasi: mereka masih mempraktekan sistem yang secara tidak langsung berfungsi sebagai pihak ketiga (Central Authority). Namun pada kenyataannya, hal ini bukan satu-satunya masalah. Tantangan dalam platform pertukaran cryptocurrency telah menjadi kemunduran besar bagi pertumbuhan industri dan ini menunjukkan alasan mengapa sistem tidak diadopsi secara global sejauh ini. Likuiditas yang buruk, peraturan pasar yang buruk, proses yang panjang dan integrasi yang rumit adalah beberapa tantangan lain yang mengganggu cryptocurrency. platform pertukaran crypto yang terdesentralisasi dan memiliki fitur lengkap diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan masalah-masalah di atas Hal ini bertujuan unt

Benefits of the Saturn Black Decentralized Exchange Platform

Hello everyone, today I will invite you to join the Saturn Black project. where this project can develop well and if you are not interested, you can ignore it ... okay we can start exploring this project, maybe you often hear about developing projects at this time even all the projects that are done are related to cryptocurrency. now I will begin to discuss it, this section provides an overview of cross-chain exchange platforms directly from crypto assets. The Saturn Black network achieves truly decentralized scalability, close to instant transaction speeds and This platform has been designed to provide convenience, security and benefits for users. proof-proof cryptographic security in the future. Blockchain technology changes the world positively. The trend is very popular and almost everyone wants to know about the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency. At present, various projects repeatedly produce innovations and ideas. Today I will discuss a prestigious project called

Amanpuri - Ultimate Exchange

Amanpuri Exchange es un intercambio de DLT que ofrece hasta 100 veces mĆ”s servicios de transacciones con un Ć©nfasis en la protecciĆ³n de activos del cliente. AMANPURI estĆ” diseƱado con el valor mĆ”s valioso en mente en la historia del comercio de divisas encriptadas. Esta plataforma estĆ” diseƱada como un sistema de seguridad superior para proteger los activos del comerciante. Otra caracterĆ­stica de AMANPURI es que proporcionar una buena asistencia al cliente y una buena interfaz de usuario es una caracterĆ­stica importante de esta plataforma. Problema Las actividades de DLT trading proporcionan un negocio de gestiĆ³n multifacĆ©tico que proporciona una capacidad no permanente de recursos de clientes, datos y soporte al cliente, asĆ­ como la plataforma de intercambio de VFA. A medida que crece el nĆŗmero de clientes, es importante proporcionar una situaciĆ³n mĆ”s segura y confiable para que el cliente permanezca seguro. En general, hay muchos problemas con las transacciones actuales.

Registro global de propiedades: provisiĆ³n de los mejores y confiables productos de bienes raĆ­ces basados en blockchain.

El Registro Global de la Propiedad (GPR) es el PRIMER registro universal de bienes raĆ­ces que serĆ” global y abarcarĆ” a los paĆ­ses desarrollados y en desarrollo. Esto proporcionarĆ” una prueba de propiedad de mĆ”s de 4.5 billones de personas (valoradas en $ 20 billones) en todo el mundo que actualmente no estĆ”n cubiertas y, por lo tanto, estĆ”n aisladas de los mercados de bienes raĆ­ces y financieros. En segundo lugar, ademĆ”s de proporcionar intercambios inmobiliarios globales. Esta plataforma funcionarĆ” como un mercado inmobiliario digital internacional para todos los participantes del mercado. Tercero, las soluciones y herramientas analĆ­ticas respaldadas por inteligencia artificial se entregarĆ”n a los propietarios que les permitan tomar decisiones y proyecciones acertadas. Finalmente, para educar al pĆŗblico, se crearĆ”n redes sociales para los usuarios de la plataforma. Beneficios del proyecto El sector inmobiliario, en particular, es una de las formas mĆ”s estables de inversiĆ³n y

šŸ”„ Global Property Register - Control and Secure Your Assets šŸ”„

About Global Property Register (GPR) is the first universal real estate register that will be worldwide in nature, covering both developed and developing countries. The Global Property Register platform will serve as an international digital real estate marketplace to all market participants and analytical solutions and tools powered by Artificial intelligence will be provided to property owners enabling them make wise decisions and projection. One of the primary friction points in global real estate markets is the complex and lengthy contract procedures that one must go through when a property changes hands. The existing legal frameworks that govern real estate transactions generally mean that the transaction itself must be reviewed and executed by a series of intermediaries such as real estate agents and lawyers that can not only interpret and verify the language of the legal documents, but also verify that the predetermined conditions have been met. That process does work, bu Exchange Platform for Cryptocurrency that relies on Swap trade cross-chain conventions

Introduction The initial essence of the blockchain and cryptographic money is to expand the main authority of major expert leaders and large groups through decentralization. One of the most attractive digital currencies is digital currency can not be limited to brokers or specialists. Despite the fact that innovation in the blockchain has rocked businesses and organizations in terms of transparency and security, they still depend on trading digital currencies and their customers to provide significant data and resources. This time the exchange process is simple, because there is a lot of digital money trading. The total volume of exchange trading has dropped from the highest level since the 2017 pair, with full market capitalization, but the number of brokers at this stage continued to grow rapidly during this period. More and more people are finding important devices at the exchange stage that encourage them to benefit from the cryptographic money exhibition. A very good

šŸ”„ - The best and safest cross-chain exchange platform for crypto assets, a decentralized Crypto marketšŸ”„

Problem The original substance of the blockchain and cryptographic money was to circulate the basic leadership power of major experts and large groups through decentralization. One of the most interesting of digital currencies is that digital currencies cannot be limited by brokers or specialists. While blockchain innovation has shocked businesses and organizations given the dimensions of candor and security, it still depends on trading digital currencies and their customers to ensure significant data and resources. Exchanging the process this time turned out to be simple because there was a lot of digital money trading. The volume of all-out exchanges on trade has dropped from the highest since the 2017 pair with all-out market capitalization, but the number of brokers at this stage continues to grow rapidly during this period. More and more people are finding important devices at the exchange stage that encourage them to benefit from the cryptographic money exhibition. A ve

Global Property Register (GPR) : a social platform for building real estate property exchanges where people can buy and sell property

The fever about cryptocurrency is increasing, people have heard it, and more and more people want to find out more about it, and find ways to be a part of it. When blockchain technology comes, things change, things get better, we said. So much business has improved, so many companies have begun to use crypto currencies in their jobs. New ideas come every day. People want to invest in new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it's called the Internet. The internet is a large base of information where we can do anything. The internet has connected the whole world. Because access to the internet we can get information about one of the most extraordinary crypto projects known as the Global Property Register The Global Property Register (GPR) is the FIRST universal real estate register that will be global, covering developed and developing countries. In addition, the Global Property Register - is a new generation of real estate markets, uses modern techn

PointPay: Crypto Platform and Blockchain based Multi-Currency Wallet

ABOUT Pointpay   ( ) Blockchain Life 2018 is one of the largest international forums dedicated to blockchain, crypto and mining. That was the first big event that was followed by the PointPay team. This is partly due to the fact that the ICOTOP rating agency is one of the forum sponsors. We are proud to be our strategic partner, we actively work with them. We are happy to be among more than 5,000 guests representing 70 countries. The presentation of the main organizers of the forum Vita Edlichka and Sergey Khitrov most attracted the attention of our employees. The first tells the first blockchain story in world history, which is considered a joke. However, the dream has all the possibilities to come true, because more than half a million applications for citizenship are proposed. Also worth mentioning is the presentation of the innovative ICO Pitch project. The most promising project is CoinStruction's multifunctional cryptocurrency exchange sy

Global Real Estate Registry - Real Estate Blockchain universal digital market

Blockchain technology is able to optimize the global infrastructure to more effectively address international problems than existing systems in modern conditions. Here are all the benefits that Blockchain technology gives us. Blockchain in different industries will provide transparency in all categories. With a financial transaction, you can observe the status of a blockchain transfer in real time, instead of not knowing what the status of the transaction is before it is completed, which is a common problem in the current system. Transparency remains unchanged when applied to all values ​​recorded in the blockchain. One of the advantages of Blockchain technology over existing systems is the ability to remove intermediate blocks, allowing people to directly interact with each other, rather than through certain third parties. It helps the billions of people who live in countries where they cannot trust intermediaries because of the collapse of the government, high levels of crime

Global Property Register (GPR): registers universal real estate for all market participants

About Global Property Register Global Property Register (GPR) is the FIRST universal real estate register that will be worldwide in nature, covering both developed and developing countries. It will provide proof of ownership for the over 4.5bn people ($20trn value) around the world who are currently are not covered and hence cut off from the real estate and financial markets. Secondly, it will in addition provide a global property exchange. This platform will serve as an international digital real estate marketplace to all market participants. Thirdly, analytical solutions and tools powered by Artificial intelligence will be provided to property owners enabling them make wise decisions and projection. Finally, to educate the populace a social network for users of the platform will be created. Problem Most Land and Property is not registered. The World Bank says that only 30% of land rights are registered or recorded worldwide and this needs to change. Most countries do not have