
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2018

Magnus - AI intelligent agent network, Robot, Sensor, decentralized create global market.

We opened a new article to tell you about a very interesting project that is currently under pre-sale and that in just five days will start with its public sale phase, it is MAGNUS ( ), a project which aims to bring together, not only robotics and Artificial Intelligence, but also will join two different blockchain networks, the Ethereum network and the NEO network, since this ICO will be launched in a dual manner on both tokens ERC20 and tokens NEO-GAS . At this time he has already exceeded his Soft-cap, that is, he has already found enough capital to make his project viable. In what does it benefit you, possible investor? What will you bet on a project that will surely go ahead, and that you are not facing a project that sells only smoke and ideas, but proven facts and a firm objective. As a first note, if you decide to invest in this project, you can store your tokens comfortably in your NEO and / or Ethereum wallets, it will be to your liking at the time of ma

HireGo - a decentralized P2P market that allows users to rent their vehicles in a safe environment.

Introduction Blockchain technology is a transparent digital book of transactions and records that are immune to changes or deletions. Offering additional features of greater security, lower costs, time efficiency and resistance to errors, blockchain has increased and fluctuated in 2017. The utility of blockchain technology is unlimited, which has led to the growing list of companies, industries and governments that explore its possible adoption. The blockchain is an immutable public book that records digital transactions. ABOUT HIREGO HireGo is a company based in the United Kingdom that builds a decentralized car and car rental service in partnership with San Francisco with the Protocol of origin. HireGo is essentially a decentralized P2P market that allows users to rent their vehicles in safe environments. Simplicity and security are the main priorities for HireGo. Payments are made in advance and help in the deposit contract in the Ethereum chain. The dispute is sent to th

Lux Ant Digital - Plateforme intelligente pour les solutions de paiement présentée sous forme de banque électronique.

Site Web | Télégramme | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Livre blanc Introduction Lux Ant Digital souhaite mettre en place un réseau de caisses ATM dans le monde entier. Lux Ant Digital maintient un plan de continuité d'activité, analysant et développé plus tôt, y compris les communications de crise, qu'il s'agisse d'informations, de services ou d'opérations de soutien. ÉMISSION DE SOLUTIONS DE PAIEMENT Avec la plate-forme Lux Digital Ant présentée comme Electronic Banking, vous pouvez construire des relations étroites avec les clients, les fournisseurs, la famille, etc. et le contrôle de l'expérience de l'achat, la vente, l'envoi d'argent et / ou des actifs numériques de connexion à la fin de transaksi.Lux numérique Ant intégré dans votre expérience d'exploitation personnalisée et permet aux clients d'utiliser leurs informations d'identification sont généralement utilisés pour identifier et effectuer des transa

Товары Digital Passport - Будущая платформа с использованием технологии blockchain доказывает право собственности на страховые цели, что ускоряет процесс подачи заявок.

Введение Проектное видение будущего товаров «Цифровой паспорт товаров» (ВВП) - это начало системы, которая не только существенно повлияет на объем контрафактной продукции, но также позволит потребителям понять товары, которые они покупают. Проект генерирует широкий спектр приложений, в которых потребители могут не только хранить свои товары с помощью «Паспорта цифровых товаров», но и отслеживать их ценность с помощью онлайн-кошелька. Эта платформа позволяет потребителям делиться своими кошельками, доказывать право собственности и проверять их объемы в целях страхования, что ускоряет процесс подачи заявок. Этот проект поможет обеспечить высокую посещаемость магазинов бренда из-за регистрации товаров, уже доступных из доверенных точек. А также в плане разработчика: предоставляет функции ребрендинга, поэтому бренды могут напрямую включать эти сервисы для эффективной работы со своими клиентами. Платформа будет напрямую обеспечивать исключение ставок промежуточного с

ExToke is a new fee free Decentralized Ethereum ERC20 Token Exchange

Introduction We now live in a world were cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies have advanced over the past few years. This has made more and more people to switch from traditional fiat based financial system, towards blockchain and cryprocurrencies specifically. The Erc-20 token has become the driving force of the booming crypto industry. The Ethereum Token Trading scene has grown in leaps and bounds over the past year. However, the existing cryptocurrency exchanges are not able to handle the trading demands, nor can they offer a safe and secure trading solution. There is a platform that was developed to fill the gap in the cryptocurrency trading industry and to eradicate fees from the equation to benefit both traders and developers. Have you heard of ExToke? ExToke is a new fee free Decentralized Ethereum ERC20 Token Exchange with absolutely no fees for buyer or sellers. ExToke is a platform that has set out to solve all of the problems that is associated with modern d

EX TOKE - Cryptocurrency Exchange ist dezentralisiert durch XTO Smart Contract

Einleitung ExToke ist eine neue gebührenfreie Dezentral Ethereum ERC20 Token Exchange mit absolut keine Gebühren für Käufer oder Verkäufer. Es wurden Extras eingerichtet, um alle Probleme im Zusammenhang mit modernen zentralisierten Kryptowährungsbörsen zu lösen und gleichzeitig das Konzept des dezentralisierten Austauschs zu verbessern. Extoke wird die DEX-Industrie stärken, indem es über unseren XTO-Smart-Vertrag einen sofortigen, vertrauenslosen und sicheren Token-Austausch-Prozess anbietet. Warum ExTooke? ExToke wurde entwickelt, um die Lücke in der dezentralen Handelsbranche zu schließen und Gebühren aus der Gleichung zu streichen, von denen sowohl Händler als auch Entwickler profitieren. Die Probleme, mit denen sich zentralisierte Börsen konfrontiert sehen, sind unter anderem: Hohe Gebühren, Sicherheitsbedenken (in Admin-Konten gehaltenes Geld), ernsthaftes Risiko, Opfer von Hackern zu werden, und die Probleme der DEX-Branche sind, aber nicht beschränkt auf: Hohe Gebühre

BITCOIN ORIGIN - La plateforme globale est décentralisée par le blocus, ce qui résout le problème des programmes de fidélité.

BIRCOIN ORIGIN est une plateforme globale et décentralisée, utilisée pour gérer, les points sont cumulatifs et les programmes de fidélité. Analyse d'un grand nombre de programmes de fidélité à partir de l'utilisation de différents points, que les développeurs n'ont pas trouvé une bonne application. Cela entraîne des dommages directs pour les utilisateurs, ainsi que des programmes de fidélisation qui ne sont pas mis en œuvre avec succès et augmentent la responsabilité de l'entreprise. BITCOIN ORIGIN fournit des solutions aux problèmes de la technologie de blocage. En raison des faibles coûts de transaction et de la haute sécurité, BITCOIN ORIGIN convertit le score en jetons BITCOIN ORIGIN (ORI) et fournit des programmes de fidélisation des utilisateurs Considérons comment ce projet représente la valeur du système et comment ce projet diffère de la plate-forme de bloc de projet, comme l'intégration des scores. Tous les utilisateurs peuvent échanger BITCOIN


Insurance INSCOIN is one of the oldest industries, and can be seen as part of the growth of modern business that comes to define the world-wide society. While the insurance in the form we will recognize today begins with the first insurance contract in 1347, methods for transferring and distributing risks in the monetary economy were observed in China in the third millennium BC. One thing that has dictated the insurance sector for thousands of years is its ability to adapt its practices to adapt to changing technological landscape. From contracts written on parchment for websites and large data, the industry is rapidly changing. The chain is the latest technological game changer to enter the picture, and many of them predict that distributed books can have profound consequences on the way that insurance companies can work. One important issue is that the technology of the chain seems to be the tailor for the solution is the fundamental principle of "utmost conscientious

Ethereum Limited - smart contracting platform

Hallo .. Friends, If you are interested in joining the ETHLIMITED project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision during the ETHLIMITED project Here's the review !! In this increasingly advanced era, there is now a very smart new technology. Blockchain technology, after the invention of internet technology, has now come with blockchain technology that will change the world. Like many ideas in the blockchain industry, general confusion surrounds the so-called 'smart contracts'. A new technology made possible by public blockchain, smart contracts is difficult to understand because this term confuses some of the core interactions described. One of the best things about blockchain is, since it is a decentralized system that exists among all that is allowed, it does not have to pay an intermediary and it saves you time and conflict. Blockchains have their problems, but they are judged, unde